2024 WE Ignite Speaker

Michele Vickerman
Michele Vickerman, RDN, RYT-200

Michele Vickerman RDN, RYT-200

Michele is the owner of BUTTERFLY YOGA, and teaches in the beautiful studio at The CLUTCH in Spokane. She is a licensed Anusara Elements Yoga Instructor, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and a breast cancer survivor. Michele is passionate about movement, health, and healing. Through yoga, she teaches integration of a healthy mind with a healthy body to create a peaceful and joyful life. Her classes provide an inclusive community for everyone who wishes to explore their own strength and their innate gifts, and who is ready to transform their life and health with intention and purpose.

Presentation Info

Start your break between sessions with a quick, rejuvenating Yoga session. Yoga Instructor Michele Vickerman will lead We Ignite attendees in dynamic stretches and mindful breathing. These 5-minute sessions will reawaken your muscles, dissolve tension, and boost mental clarity. Return to the conference refreshed, reenergized, and ready to engage with a renewed sense of balance and focus.